Dr.MBK Featured in Huffpost Article: 'Beauty Sleep' is Indeed Real
"Moreover, not getting enough sleep can cause “increasing skin infections, predisposition to skin cancer and accelerated skin aging,” said Dr. Marianna Blyumin-Karasik, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Precision Skin Institute.
Many of these issues are caused by cortisol. “Lack of sleep raises cortisol levels, which can break down collagen, leading to more fine lines and sagging skin over time,” Kopelman explained.
Cortisol can also “produce stress-induced pimples and blemishes,” Blyumin-Karasik added. Additionally, Glen said that cortisol increases oil production, which can results in greasy hair and potentially hair loss."
Read the article here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-beauty-sleep-real_l_673def94e4b0060e54daa162