An Intricate Dance of the Relationship Stamina
A love that lasts – something the movies have made us believe in and crave since the first time we sat down to watch a romcom. What’s interesting though is that people who generally want a long-lasting, meaningful relationship aren’t willing to put in the work needed to make it last nor are they willing to endure the difficult seasons. And this goes for not only couples in relationships, but friendships and family dynamics, too. Recently, Stamina Cosmetics had the privilege to welcome Sofia Robirosa, Marriage Therapist at Infinite Therapeutic Services to discuss tips and advice on how to maintain stamina in all relationships that may exist in your life.
Spousal / Dating Relationship Well-Being
- Friendship vs. Desire
- It’s so easy to ignore one of these two elements if we give into one bucket more than needed. In order to maintain stamina in a relationship, though, there needs to be both felt on each side.
- Friendship: This is the feeling of knowing your other is your best friend, that they support you, you can rely on them, that you don’t need to question feeling safe around them emotionally.
- Desire: The feeling of romance between one another is so important in a relationship. Desire creates a sense of mystery and needed distance.
- Being best friends doesn’t mean you’ll feel the romance, and romance doesn’t mean you will have a long relationship. Therefore, you have to honor both pieces.
- Healthy Conflict
- In order to work through differences, which is going to happen in any relationship, you need to compromise and figure out how to move beyond a place of stagnancy.
- Our dreams are important and need to be vocalized in relationships. There are three perspectives we suggest you look at:
- What are your personal life goals and dreams?
- What do you want in your relationship?
- If you have children, what do you want as a family?
- If you both are open about the above, then it will help you to develop rituals around those dreams, achieve goals, and abstain the stamina between your relationship.
- Self-Care
- As a company that stands behind feeling like the very best version of yourself, Stamina Cosmetics loves this tip from Sofia. Whether it is physical wellness or emotional wellness, you can’t feel good for others, unless you feel good for yourself first. Make it a priority to put yourself first. We know this can be hard to do in a world where we so quickly lose sight of what wellness is all about. Everything we absorb within the media and on social media can get overwhelming, but go back to the basics.
- Consider embracing a mindful skin care ritual we term Stamina Synergy with our skin adaptogens to enhance skin resilience and brilliance while you enjoy a blissful selfcare moment. Visit our Stamina Complex skin store to learn more.
- Intimacy
- Before you shut down your browser, we promise to keep this PG! Intimacy is as simple as bringing a habit into your life to connect, every day or once a week, with that special someone – i.e. date night, 10-minute check-in after the kids go to sleep.
- Unfortunately we are in a time where we, women especially, are not only taking care of household and families, but also businesses. With our plates loading up, the question starts to be, ‘how do we have the stamina to keep the intimacy?’ News flash, desire is not just about sex! For women it’s an emotional, psychological connection to feel in the mood. Women want to feel desired – even if that means the other partner is helping with kids and the house – anything that can take away some of the demands for a woman. We often forget that is is hard to feel sexual when you’re stressed out – especially in a very go-go kind of world that we live in. So what can we do?
- Be intentional and mindful about our stress level
- Ask yourself ‘how do I connect with my own body?
- Investigate what you want your sex life to be
- Increase touch in relationships! Cuddling, hugging, kissing, holding hands, all of these are good!
- Consider being playful together with our integrative skin care such as Stamina Blemish Remedy MPP Mask to improve skin complexion while having a mindful couples reconnection.
- Family Stamina
- This world we live in not only has too many screens, but also way too many household tasks for one family. Everything has become more hectic and we are often over exceeding on having to manage school, work, and various activities. This leaves so little time for connection, but there are ways to mend this situation:
- Make time for the basics like ‘quality time:’
- Creating memories that are fun and that are cherished – pizza night, board games
- Good conversations
- Vacation (if finances permit)
- Create a space where all family members can communicate freely
As you head back into your life after reading this, we want you to remember that every situation is different and what works for one, doesn’t work for another. But, as we are all works in progress, we do recommend that you ask yourself, ‘what works for me?’ and ‘what works for us?’ No matter the circumstance, you should honor your relationship and reflect on the love felt in that type of relationship. It is so important that we make those in our relationship circles feel loved. But, pour into your glass first, so that you can pour into other people.
Follow more skin stamina and wellness advice join us on IGLives Dose of Stamina @staminacosmetics.
Be Well,
Founder of Stamina® Cosmetics